シーケンスダンス(Sequence Dance)


シーケンスダンス(Sequence Dance)で盛り上がりましょう。

シーケンスダンス(Sequence Dance)の概要


シーケンスダンス(Sequence Dance)とは


その多くは、ボールルーム・ダンスのフィガーを16小節(例外的には8小節32小節等もあります)にまとめて構成・振り付けしたもので、 作品としても素晴らしい上に、アマルガメーションとしても短いので、少しでもダンスを知っている人なら簡単に覚えられ、楽しむことが出来ます。

現在日本では、競技ダンスの発展が先行し、コミュニケーション・ツールとしてのダンスの発展は立ち遅れてしまいました。 しかし今日の日本のダンスの年齢層は幅広く、ジュブナイルからグランド・シニア迄と、おおよそ三世代にわたっています。

もしそれぞれの世代がシークエンスダンスを知っていれば、「国籍」「年齢」「地域」の別なくダンスを共有し、 コミュニケーションとしての、生涯スポーツとしての、ダンスが楽しめる事が出来ると言う訳なのです。


このダンスの魅力は「大勢の人が一斉に一つの輪になって、同じ振り付けを繰り返し踊る」と言う事にあります。 シークエンス・ダンスはたくさんの「出逢い」を作ります。覚えやすく、踊りやすいシークエンス・ダンスはベテランから初心者まで、 ダンスの愛好者全ての人にとって楽しいダンスです。

シーケンスダンス(Sequence Dance)の歴史


それ以前、これらは民族舞踊から端を発したものでしたが17世紀前後のルイ王朝時代、宮廷に愛された著名な音楽家や舞踏家たちにより、 数多くの作品が宮廷で踊られるようになり、バレエのテクニックと宮廷のマナーが加わったエレガントなダンスとして普及されてきました。

現在でもその振り付けの幾つかは音楽と 一対になって伝統的に継承されています。いわゆる「オールド・タイム・ダンス(クラシカル・シークエンス)」がそれです。

その後、英国スタイルのボールルーム・ダンスの台頭にともない、新たに「モダン(スタンダード)・シークエンス」及び「ラテンアメリカン・シークエンス」が加わり、 現在の

  1. 「クラシカル・シークエンス」
  2. 「モダン・シークエンス」
  3. 「ラテン・シークエンス」の3部門の体系となりました。

英国では、毎年秋にブラックプールで開催されている「ブラックプール・シークエンスダンス・フェスティバル」をはじめとして、各地で様々なシークエンスダンスの競技会が開催され、新しい作品が発表され、そのうちで人気を得た振り付けが、世界的なレパートリーとして踊り継がれ、現在では100種類以上 のシークエンス・ダンスが、多くの愛好家によって、楽しく踊られています。

ルンバワン(Rumba One)


ルンバワン(Rumba One)は、以下の16小節から構成される。

  1. 縦アレマーナ(2341,2341)
    • 2.LF fwd to wall leaving RF in place
    • 3.Replace weight to RF
    • 4,1.LF to side raising L arm and com to lead Lady under arm
    • 2.RF back leaving LF in place, releasing hold with RH (Lady LF fwd)
    • 3.Replace weight to LF (Lady RF fwd)
    • 4,1.RF to side turning 1/8 to R, adopt Loose Latin Hold but slightly 'shoulder to shoulder' with partner
      (Lady LF to side and slightly back making 1 and 1/8 turn to R under raised arm)
  2. ショルダー to ショルダー(2341,2341,2341)
    • 2.LF fwd OP on her L side, L shoulder to L shoulder
    • 3.Replace weight to RF, turning to L
    • 4,1.LF to side to a slightly 'shoulder to shoulder' position on partner's opposite side
    • 2.RF fwd OP on her R side, R shoulder to R shoulder
    • 3.Replace weight to LF, turning to R
    • 4,1.RF to side
    • 2.LF fwd OP on her L side, L shoulder to L shoulder
    • 3.Replace weight to RF, turning to L
    • 4,1.LF to side and slightly fwd in PP, leading Lady to step to side and slightly fwd in PP on her RF
  3. フェンシング(2341)
    • 2.RF fwd in PP, Lady's L arm, and Man's R arm extended out and back on the step to give 'Fencing Line', joined hands are extended fwd in PP
    • 3.Replace weight to LF turning to R
    • 4,1.RF to side, facing lady and wall, still holding lady's RH in LH
  4. スポットターン to R(2341)
    • 2.LF fwd turning strongly to R releasing hold with LH and leading Lady to turn to her Left
    • 3.RF fwd, still turning
    • 4,1.LF fwd, completing solo turn to end facing partner and wall, adopting RH to RH hold
  5. バックウォーク(2341):
    • 2.RF back, com to curve to end backing LOD, over the three steps
    • 3.LF back, cont to curve
    • 4,1.RF back, curving to end backing LOD
  6. キューバンロックス(2341)
    • 2.Replace weight fwd to LF
    • 3.Replace weight back to RF
    • 4,1.Replace weight fwd to LF
  7. フォワードウォーク(2341):
    • 2.RF fwd, com to curve to end facing wall, again over three steps
    • 3.LF fwd, cont to curve
    • 4,1.RF fwd, curving to end facing wall
  8. サイドキューバンロックスL&R(2341,2341):
    前半が、Side Step to L。
    後半が、Side Step to R。
    • 2.LF to side with part weight leaving RF in place
    • 3.Replace full weight to RF
    • 4,1.LF closes to RF
    • 2.RF to side with part weight, leaving LF in place
    • 3.Replace full weight to LF
    • 4,1.RF closes to LF
  9. サイドステップ to L(2341):
    LODに沿って左右左とサイドステップを踊りながら終りに右手で女子の右手を取りHdShHo(Hand Shake Hold)になる。
    • 2.LF to side
    • 3.RF closes to LF
    • 4,1.LF to side, turning to L, releasing hold with RH after leading Lady to turn to R and step fwd in Shadow Hold (Lady extends L arm to side, Man takes wrist in his LH, RH is placed on Lady's back just below R shoulder blade [in Shadow Hold], Lady extends R arm to side creating Shadow Line
  10. フォワードウォークウィズRShPo(2341,2341):
    前半2→LODに右足前進しながら右手で女子を右に回してRShPo(Right Shadow Position)になる。
    • 2.RF fwd (Lady LF)
    • 3.LF fwd
    • 4,1.RF fwd, facing LOD in Shadow Hold
    • 2.LF fwd
    • 3.RF fwd
    • 4,1.LF fwd, turning to L, and leading Lady to turn to her R, releasing hold
  11. スポットターン to L(2341)
    • 2.RF fwd, turning to L
    • 3. LF fwd, still turning to L
    • 4,1.RF fwd, turning to face partner and wall, taking up Loose Latin Hold


和田 弘とマヒナスターズ オリジナルメンバー スペシャル

キャサリン ワルツ(Catherine Waltz)

キャサリン ワルツ(Catherine Waltz)の基本フィガー

キャサリン ワルツ(Catherine Waltz)も、以下の16小節から構成される。

  1. Reverse Turn(1/2 turn)(1.123, 2.123)
  2. Closed Change(no turn)(3.123)
  3. 4-5 Reverse Turn(1/2 turn)(4.123)
  4. Closed Change(no turn) to end facing diag wall, lady outside(5.123)
  5. Passing Natural Turn(3 steps forward outside lady)(6.123)
  6. Natural Spin Turn(7.123)
  7. 4-6 Reverse Turn(8.123)
  8. Whisk - Wing(end Diag Centre)(9.123, 456)
  9. Closed Telemark(lady's heel turn)(11.123, 456)
  10. Natural Spin Turn(13.123, 456)
  11. 4-5 Reverse Turn - 2 outside checks(15.123)
  12. Step Side Close - repeat sequence(16.123)
  13. Start Sequnece Again

キャサリン ワルツ(Catherine Waltz)の詳細

トークAでは、Bar 5.から開始する。



Catherine Waltz – 1st Movement – Reverse Turn and Back Closed Change Repeated
Reverse Turn
(1/2 turn)
(1.LF前1/2左回転)The man moves his left foot forward in a diagonal to centre direction (The Lady brings her right foot back in a diagonal to centre direction)


(2.RF前)Then the man’s right foot goes to the side (and the Lady’s left foot goes to the side)


(3.LF横)The man’s left foot closes to his right foot and he should now be facing the centre (the Lady’s right foot closes to her left foot and she should now be facing the wall)


Reverse Turn
(1/2 turn)
(1.RF後)Then the man brings his right foot back and down the line of dance (while the Lady moves her left foot forward and down the line of dance)


(2.LF後)The man’s left foot goes to the side (the Lady’s right foot goes to the side)


(3.RF横)And the man’s right foot closes to his left foot and he should now be facing against the line of dance (the Lady’s left foot closes to her right foot and she should now be facing the line of dance)


Reverse Turn
(1/2 turn)
(1.LF前)The man’s left foot then goes forward in a diagonal to wall direction against the line of dance (and the Lady’s right foot comes back in a diagonal to wall direction, against the line of dance)


(2.RF前)Then the man’s right foot goes to the side (the Lady’s left foot goes to the side)


(3.LF横)And the man’s left foot closes to his right foot. He should now be facing the wall (the Lady’s right foot closes to her left foot. She should now be facing the centre)


Reverse Turn
(1/2 turn)
(1.RF後)Then the man brings his right foot back and against the line of dance (and the Lady moves her left foot forward and against the line of dance) 1
(2.LF後)The man’s left foot goes to the side (the Lady’s right foot goes to the side) 2
(3.RF横)And the man’s right foot closes to his left foot and he should now be facing the line of dance (the Lady’s left foot closes to her right foot and she should now be backing the line of dance) 3
Catherine Waltz – 2nd Movement – Forward Passing Change – 1 to 3 Natural Turn – Natural Spin Turn with Closed Finish
5.(123) 5.Closed Change to end facing diag wall, laday outside(no turn)
(1.LF前)The man moves his left foot forward in a diagonal to wall direction (the Lady brings her right foot back in a diagonal to wall direction) 1
(2.RF前)Then he moves his right foot forward outside his partner who is on his right side (the Lady brings her left foot back with her partner on her outside) 2
(3.LF前)Then the man moves his left foot forward, his left side leading, and turning square to his partner (the Lady brings her right foot back) 3
6.(123) 6.Passing Natural Turn(3 steps forward outside lady)
(1.RF前)Now the man moves his right foot forward, still square to his partner, and commences turning to the right (the Lady brings her left foot back) 1
(2.LF前)The man’s left foot then goes to the side and across the line of dance, moving in a diagonal to wall direction (the Lady’s right foot goes to the side and across the line of dance, moving in a diagonal to wall direction) 2
(3.RF横)The man closes his right foot to his left foot. He should now be backing the line of dance (the Lady should be facing the line of dance) 3
7.(456) 7.Natural Spin Turn
1.LF後右回転)Now for the Natural Spin Turn. The man brings his left foot back, while turning strongly to the right with his right foot held in a Contra Body Movement Position. We’re looking at approximately 1/2 turn to the right (the Lady moves her right foot forward while turning strongly to the right) 1
(2.RF後右回転)Then the man moves his right foot forward and down the line of dance, still turning to the right, in a Pivot action (the Lady brings her left foot to the side and back down the line of dance, while still turning to the right. Her right foot brushes to her left foot without changing her weight) 2
(3.LF横)Then the man brings his left foot to the side and slightly back down the line of dance (the Lady moves her right foot diagonally forward in a diagonal to centre direction and against the line of dance) 3
8.(123) 8.4-5 Reverse Turn
(1.RF後)The man brings his right foot back and against the line of dance (and the Lady moves her left foot forward and against the line of dance) 1
(2.LF後)The man brings his left foot to the side (and the Lady brings her right foot to the side) 2
(31.RF横)Then the man closes his right foot to his left foot and should now be facing down the line of dance (the Lady closes her left foot to her right foot and should now be backing down the line of dance) 3
Catherine Waltz – 3rd Movement – Whisk – Wing – Closed Telemark – 1 to 3 Natural Turn
9.(123) 9.Whisk(end Diag Centre)(1/2)
(1.LF前)The Whisk: The man moves his left foot forward and down the line of dance (the Lady brings her right foot back and down the line of dance and begins to turn slightly to the right) 1
(2.RF前横)Then he moves his right foot to the side and towards the wall (the Lady moves her left foot to the side and towards the wall and turns to Promenade Position) 2
The man crosses his left foot behind his right foot, into a Whisk (the Lady crosses her right foot behind her left foot)
10.(456) 10.Whisk(end Diag Centre)(2/2)
Then the man moves his right foot forward and in Promenade Position (the Lady moves her left foot forward and in Promenade Position and begins to circle her partner, closing to his left side)
The man closes his left foot to his right foot without changing his weight (the Lady continues with two forward steps, circling her partner and ends with her left foot slightly forward on her partner’s left side)
2 3
11.(123) 11.Closed Telemark(1/2)
The man moves his left foot forward in a diagonal to centre direction on the lady’s left side, while turning to the left and square to his partner
Then he brings his right foot to the side and across the line of dance, still turning to the left (the Lady closes her left foot to her right foot and does a Heel Turn – a Closed Telemark)
Now the man brings his left foot to the side and down the line of dance, himself now facing diagonal to wall (the Lady brings her right foot to the side and down the line of dance, herself now backing diagonal to wall)
12.(456) 12.Closed Telemark(2/2)
Then the man moves his right foot forward in a diagonal to wall direction and outside his partner who is on his right side and commences turning to the right (the Lady brings her left foot back in a diagonal to wall direction, with her partner on her outside)
The man brings his left foot to the side and across the line of dance (the Lady brings her right foot to the side and across the line of dance)
The man closes his right foot to his left foot and should now be backing the line of dance (the Lady closes her left foot to her right foot and should now be facing the line of dance)
Catherine Waltz – 4th Movement – Natural Spin Turn – Checks to left and Right – Closed Finish
13.(123) 13.Natural Spin Turn(1/2)
ナチュラルスピンターン: 男性は自分の右足をコントラ身体運動の位置で開催されて右に強く回しながら、彼の左足を戻します。 私たちは右に約1/2回転しています
The Natural Spin Turn:- The man brings his left foot back, while turning strongly to the right with his right foot held in Contra Body Movement Position. We’re looking at approximately 1/2 turn to the right (Lady RF fwd turning strongly to R)
Then the man moves his right foot forward and down the line of dance, still turning to the right – a Pivot action (the Lady brings her left foot to the side and back down the line of dance, still turning to the right. Her right foot brushes to her left foot without changing her weight)
The man brings his left foot to the side and slightly back, so that he is now facing the line of dance (the Lady moves her right foot diagonally forward in a diagonal to centre direction and against the line of dance)
14.(456) 14.Natural Spin Turn(2/2)
Check to the Left:- Then the man brings his right foot back in Contra Body Movement Position (CBMP), while turning to the left to face diagonal to centre (the Lady brings her left foot back in a CBMP, while turning to the left until she is backing diagonal to centre)
The man brings his left foot to the side, while still turning to the left (the Lady brings her right foot to the side, also still turning to the left)
Then the man moves his right foot forward in a diagonal to centre direction and outside his partner, being on the lady’s right side, into a Check (Lady LF back DC, PO, Check)
15.(123) 15.4-5 Reverse Turn - 2 outside checks
右にチェックする: 男性は左足を別のCBMPに戻し、右に曲がると壁に対角線を向ける。
Check to the Right:- Now the man brings his left foot back in another CBMP, while turning to the right until he is facing diagonal to wall (the Lady moves her right foot forward in another CBMP, while turning to the right until she is backing diagonal to wall)
Then he brings his right foot to the side, while still turning to the right (the Lady brings her left foot to the side, while still turning to the right)
The man moves his left foot forward and in a diagonal to wall direction and outside his partner, being on the lady’s left side, into another Check (the Lady brings her right foot back in a diagonal to wall direction with her partner on her outside, into another Check)
16.(123) 16.Step Side Close
クローズド・フィニッシュ: - 男は右足を戻し、左に曲がるとダンスのラインを下にします
Closed Finish:- The man brings his right foot back, while turning to the left until he is facing down the line of dance (the Lady moves her left foot forward while turning to the left until she is backing down the line of dance)
The man brings his left foot to the side (the Lady brings her right foot to the side)
And he closes his right foot to his left foot to end the Catherine Waltz facing the line of dance (the Lady closes her left foot to her right foot to end backing the line of dance)

キャサリン ワルツ(Catherine Waltz)のビデオ

Catherine Waltz Sequence Dance Walkthrough

Opne Telemark
